Donnerstag, 3. Januar 2013


Part two and day three of the green smoothie challenge: Are you ready for the next smoothie? I am, or rather have been - already had my smoothie for today. And I started to be creative, mixing up a kiwi, an avocado and buttermilk. During my green-food-shop yesterday, I spontaneously bought some kiwis, and as you can read everywhere how healthy the fats contained in avocados are, this fruit also landed in my basket. The result was a pastel green drink (a slightly more discreet colour that I actually prefer over this one), which I also enjoyed:

the second glass is to be saved for tomorrow ...

Directions: Wash, peel and cut a kiwi,do the same with half of an avocado. Put the fruit pieces in a mixer together with about a 3/4 cup of buttermilk and 2 teaspoons of maple syrup. Mix all ingredients.

Note: The normal language of this blog will remain German, but when taking part in events by blogs in other languages, I will write in English for reasons of interaction in relation to these events. I hope you don't mind!

4 Kommentare:

  1. Antworten
    1. Thanks. I used the opportunity of taking pictures of a drink that cannot get cold, so I played around a bit with my camera ;-)

  2. Se ve irresistible luce lindo el color muy rico me encanta,abrazos y abrazos.


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