Mittwoch, 2. Januar 2013

Starting the year with green smoothies

Just as some recipes call to be tried out instantly, some challenges should not be missed. Having prepared and drunk my fist green smoothie ever just a few days ago, I am definitely in for: the Green Smoothie Challenge.

The "rule" to take part is to drink one green smoothie per day for the next week. That sounds feasible. And a great way to start of the new year in a very healthy way.

The challenge is organized by Katherine from the Real Food Runner Blog, a site which I also discovered only a few days ago. That's what I call a great timing. But I must say that I drank my first smoothie indepenently of that (I will blog about that smoothie and recipe later this week).

Highly motivated, I went to the city today and bought tons of green vegetables (and some non-christmas decoration for my flat), then did an exhausting and at the same time energizing interval training, and afterwards enjoyed this green smoothie (or two glasses of it, to be honest):

Today's version has been the "Parsley Passion" I found on the blog Fit&Glücklich by Ulli. For the smoothie, a bunch of parsley, one cucumber, one apple, one banana are mixed up togehter with aobut 1 1/4 cups of water. Adding parsley to the whole thing might sound special (but the drink must become so green somehow, right?), but I really liked it. Absolutely refreshing and tasty!

The question I ask to myself right now is: How could I have missed out on this trend, or even "green smoothie movement" for so long? As a big lover of fresh vegetables and fruits, I really don't know. I now remember that there are more and more locations to buy smoothies out there (that I have persisently ignored so far), plus the net seems to be full of blog entries, recipes and entire website on that topic, wow! So this has just been the beginning of a smooth(ie) year ...

Note: The normal language of this blog will remain German, but when taking part in events by blogs in other languages, I will write in English for reasons of interaction in relation to these events. I hope you don't mind!

2 Kommentare:

  1. Great post, Sarah! Thanks for sending me this post :) I'll link back to you!

    1. Thanks,already looking forward to the next smoothie ;-)


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