Dienstag, 23. April 2013

Another green smoothie: sweet citrus avocado dreamboat

Things are running smoothiely over here ... I still feel very much like trying out new smoothie flavours and found the next recipe that I think I must share! Still having some ripe avocado in the fridge that should be consumed now, today's (and tomorrow's) version is called a "Sweet Citrus Avocado Dreamboat". I came across the recipe on an inspiring blog with plenty of vegan and healthy recipes: LunchBoxBunch.

This "green monster" consists (besides the above mentioned avocado) of fruits (an orange and an apple), and, by default of a cup of spinach for the colour and some additional vitamins and iron. And it is refined with some lemon and parsley. I absolutely like the combination ... it tastes really fresh and fruity, but also satiates through the avocado.

Note: The normal language of this blog will remain German, but when taking part in events by blogs in other languages, I will write in English for reasons of interaction in relation to these events. I hope you don't mind!

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